Every year, hundreds of people use the press to name and shame. Perhaps you have been a victim of medical negligence, a rogue builder, a love rat or a friend. Contact us to find out more.
Are there legal considerations to name and shame stories?
Yes, there are, and you certainly can’t phone up a newspaper and rant, and expect to see the full details of your name and shame story in print the next day. In order to name and shame, you will need to provide proof of what you are saying and there are strict guidelines over payments for this type of story. We will guide you through what you need for your name and shame story.
Who or what can I name and shame?
Name and shame stories take on many different guises. A story about a cheating husband is a name and shame story, as is a story about a negligent hospital.
What will happen after a name and shame story?
Many of our clients have found that naming and shaming results in action and change – and that is what they wanted from their name and shame story in the first place.